Reputational Source Inquires
Basic Due Diligence
Deep Dive Due Diligence
Emerging Markets Strategic Intelligence
Dark Web & Deep Web

Odin Investigate is our highly specialized investigative skills and world-wide information gathering network that provides business intelligence, due diligence and risk assessment solutions for effective strategic planning and informed decision making. Our worldwide capacity enables us to acquire difficult to obtain information in a number of areas which are extremely difficult to access. With an emphasis on discretion, confidentiality, and investigative intelligence, our investigators are both customer focused and results driven.

We gather unique data that goes well beyond traditional investigative work. Our focused searches paying attention to metadata, postings that are tangential to the ultimate subject of inquiry, and data sets that are not indexed by traditional search engines such as Google. We are able to search accessible sources including the deep web, dark web, social media sites, news organizations, private data streams, and databases not available to most private investigators. The research and analysis process depend on the tier of work requested and the depth of background information and personal identifiers provided during the preliminary consultation.

Reputational Source Inquires

This service is based on human intelligence and provides a review of the background and reputation of a subject(s), with particular attention paid to "red flag" issues such as, but not necessarily limited to:

  • Political Connections and Exposure
  • Corrupt Business Practices
  • Source of Wealth and Professional Experience
  • Links to Organized Crime, Suggestions of Involvement in Money Laundering and Other Illegal Activities
  • Dealings with Sanctioned Nations/Entities, Social and Environmental Responsibility
Basic Due Diligence
  • Personal Identifiers
  • Education and Qualifications
  • Employment History Screening
  • Corporate Interests
  • Reputational Source Inquires with a Focus on Red Flag Issues
  • Credit Check
  • Litigation Checks
  • Media Searches
Deep Dive Due Diligence
  • General Information on the Subject
  • Corporate History
  • Public Record Checks, Regulatory Body Checks and International Watch-lists
  • Personal Reputational Checks
  • Known Political Contacts, Affiliations and Political Status
  • Previous or Current Involvement in Illegal/Controversial Business Operations and Questionable Dealings Associated with Organized Criminal Elements
  • Possible Allegations of Ties to Terrorist Financing, Money Laundering, Corruption, etc.
  • Former and Current Investigations by Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Concerns from Local Law Enforcement and Regulatory Agencies
  • Key Location Verification via Site Visits
Emerging Markets Strategic Intelligence
  • Enhance Business Development and Revenue Generation
  • Reduce Procurement and Bid Process Costs
  • Access Intelligence Capabilities for Decision Making that are Owned and Managed by an Unaffiliated Partners
Dark Web & Deep Web
  • Searches for Personal Information, Stolen Credentials, Leaked Confidential Documents or Illicit Activity

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